Job Description
To collect. review and discuss work order Inputs. resource requirements etc. with concerned departments to prepare and monitor work programmes for repairs, preventive and predictive maintenance, plant shutdowns and turnarounds. To plan for required resources and infrastructure to ensure timely availabHfty
Job Specification
Checks Incoming work requests for completeness, allocates a number and interacts with Operations Supervisor to assess job status In the field before 11nallslng plan. Determines requirements for resources such as manpower, skills, estimated man hours. Material, spares and special support devices such as cranes, forklifts etc. In order to plan and requisition for the same. Uses the computer system to maximum advantage by generating schedules. regular reports and analyses. Works towards producing standards templates for work orders, work plans etc. to ensure systematic data presentation and maintenance. Acquires all Information and Inputs (rom originators of work requests to prepare a resource plan for required resources so that timely availability can be assured.
Reviews work prIorities with concerned Operations Supervisor to assess backlog work, and to schedule preventive/predictive maintenance and condition monitoring programmes. Follows up on work progress to minlmlse variation from plan. Maintains Information on backlog Jobs pending due to resource unavailability, shutdown etc. and follows up with concerned departments to expedite work. Reviews requirements for plant shutdown, discusses details with Engineers and department heads and prepares consolidated worklists for shutdown as well as preliminary estimates of manpower and material. Maintains data In the computer system on maintenance work carried out, manpower and time, personnel availability. spare parts used etc. and updates the data regularly for accurate reference. Prepares regular performance reports. status reports etc. using the mpulerised system to maximum advantage, Completion of Technical Secondary School education (12 years), followed by a Diploma In Mechanical Engineering (3-4 years). On Job training In maintenance and planning In the oil gas or petrochemIcal Industry. Good understanding of maintenance requirements in terms or resources 1 Infrastructure,
spare parts etc. Ability to use the computerlsed system. Planning and communication skills.
3.3 7 -8 years work experience In this area of work.